December Workshop
- Thursday, Dec. 5th. 10 AM – 8 PM
- Friday Dec. 6th, 6 PM – 10 PM & Saturday Dec. 7th, 9 AM – 5 PM.
- Fee: Prepaid $10.00
- Deadline to Sign-Up is Monday, December 2nd
December WS Christmas Party!
December Workshop is our Christmas Party!
Wear your Ugly Christmas Sweater. Prize for the Ugliest!
We’ll have a Dirty Santa Gift Exchange with a 2-Page Layout of any theme. Wrap the layout so that it can’t be seen. No tags.
This is not mandatory, but it is FUN!
Oh NO! The Deadline to register has passed! We have several Events coming up.
January Workshop (Deadline Jan. 13th), & February Workshop (Deadline Feb. 3rd)